20.-24. mars 2017

Námskeið: Ultrasonc Level I Training class, by UE Systems – haldið á ensku. Skráning / Registration

Tímasetning: Vikunámskeið 20.-24. mars, endar með prófi 24. mars.

Staðsetning: Ísal, Straumsvík


  1. All aspects of Airborne/Structure Borne Ultrasound Technology.
  2. Effective mechanical analysis, leak detection, electrical inspections.
  3. How to perform: compressed air leak surveys, condition-based lubrication, steam trap inspections, bearing analysis, electrical inspections.
  4. How to improve asset availability and company profitability.
  5. Improved techniques and methods for quality ultrasound inspection.
  6. How to enhance recording and reporting skills through our data management software and special analysis software.
  7. How to reduce and save on energy consumption.